Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Technology: A Balance between Control & Convenience

Norman's article on technological design highlighted several interesting recommendations to take into consideration when developing and implementing new programs. Many of the components of useful design were relatively obvious: select a design that is intuitive, create visually appealing design, incorporate visual and audio components whenever possible to facilitate the use of the product. Norman explains that these elements of design are important because they enable the technology to be more user friendly. As the first computer manufactures experienced, no matter how advanced the technology may be, if it is difficult to understand and to apply, it will fail.

Norman continues, however, to point out another important element to consider when designing new technology--don't take control away from the user. I find this observation especially interesting. Here we are saying that we want technology that makes our lives easier, yet we don't want to relinquish control to the machine. I totally relate. We want to be sure that, while we appreciate the way that technology enables us to do our work faster, better, and more accurately, we want to know that we are in control of how it is produced. Don't surprise me by creating a machine that can be negatively altered (nevermind reset) with the simple push of a button. Don't let me think that I've saved something and then trash it as I close the program. Don't you dare let me feel like I've done exactly what the manual said but the program still didn't work. We want to feel that we are in control of the technology that we use everyday. Not only do we want to understand what we're doing (though we definitely don't feel the need to understand how it works necessarily), but we want to feel like we are in control of how it's done.

I find truth in the sentiment that good design enables the user to feel like they're in control of their actions and it's interesting to realize that, while we rely on technology so extensively in our daily lives, we really do want to feel like we are making the difference.


Blogger Jimmy Diamond said...


this is another thoughtful post. Quickly, your comments about user control got me thinking about flow, or optimal experience. Flow theory essentially states that people reach a state of "optimal experience" when there is a strong match between indiviudal skills and the challenge inherent to a tasl (actually, the challenge typically just "outweighs" the skill, which keeps the user/learner motivated to develop new skills). Feelings of control have been found to be associated with flow and intrinsic motivation, or the desire to accomplish goals based on internal objectives, rather than for external reward.

8:55 AM


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